Sheringham Celebrations, February 24th 2023

Welcome back after half-term!

There was great excitement when the children were able to take home their wonderful dragon eyes they made from clay:

Our musicians of the week were Luna-Rose and Freddie:

Last Wednesday was World Thinking day. Sone of our girls came dressed in Brownie uniforms.

Congratulations to Kevinas and Callum who were chosen in our Celebration Assembly for great work and contributions in class. Fantastic effort from Luna-Rose also who was awarded a certificate for her swimming:

In class we were also super proud of Freddie who has achieved more than 200 Dojo points!

In Spanish we have begun to learn about animals. The children asked if I could attach the link to the songs (Sorry parents!)

We have also started looking at a new text in English. Children, read it to your parents and perhaps have a go at writing your own version too!   Lazy Joe Model Text